The Director General of the Institute of Public Administration Dr. Raed Mohammed bin Shams stated that the ambition of the Institute to reach international levels has been achieved by obtaining the Bronze award from biggest American research and consultations institutions which lead e-learning (Brandon Hall) for the content of two e-courses; (customer service) and (conflict resolution).
Dr. bin Shams explained the Kingdom of Bahrain represented by the Institute of Public Administration is the first country in the Middle East to win this award in the category of e-content, and this award comes as an international recognition of the quality and excellence standards that the Institute is keen to offer through its various services. The e-learning was as employing modern techniques in different programs and training activities to provide a sustainable environment for education and training.
Al-Saba'a : No limits for e-creativity
In the same vein, the senior Director for basic development and creative learning at the institute Mr. Mohammed Al-Saba'a indicated Institute's pursuance through the Directorate of basic development and creative learning to offer e-courses in creative way, and that there is no limit to the creativity in learning and training.
In regard to the two courses, Mr. Mohammed Al-Saba'a said they come within e-courses offered free recently by the Institute of Public Administration as the aim of the Institute was to encourage the public sector to involve in an interactive experience, especially that the output is the same as the output of traditional courses, which are held in the halls, but with more benefits such as freedom to choose the time and venue of the training course.
He added that the award winning e-courses, were designed by a specialized team who altered in a creative way traditional training course to a virtual fictional environment contributes to motivate trainees to continue and integrate into an environment of educational game – Old Delmon – through all phases of training starting from choosing the personality passing through various positions which face the trainee and need taking the best right decision from a range of right options, that would get him/her Delmon money incentives which assist in performing duties and pass all stages.
At the conclusion of his speech, Mr. Al-Saba'a said that getting this award by the Institute of Public Administration is a beginning of a new responsibility, to reach beyond this achievement to higher standards and new innovative ideas that contribute mainly to achieve beyond the expected, as the institute always seeks.
It is worth mentioning that the declaration regarding the Institute of Public Administration winning the Excellence Award in the category of learning – Bronze Award – occurred last September, when Brandon group turned 18 in providing excellence awards in 87 different categories in four key areas of learning, administration, sales and marketing, and technology.
Brandon group receives requests for participation from different companies with different specialties, as long as in the mentioned categories.