Dr. Bin Shams: Unified Institutional values are the basis of raising the efficiency in Government work to meet the aspirations of the nation and the citizen
His Excellency, Dr. Raed Mohammed Bin Shams, the Director General of the Bahrain Institute for Public Administration (BIPA), stressed on the importance of establishing a system for unified Institutional values in all official organizations in the Kingdom of Bahrain while preserving its permanence .
He added that the system of Institutional Values would be the vital factor in raising the efficiency and quality of work in the public sector and improve the levels of productivity of employees, which in turn will raise the outputs of the government and realize the ambitions and aspirations of the Nation and its citizens.
Dr. Raed further added, that the Institutional Values that BIPA strives to embed, are linked to the core values by which the “Our Bahrain” Initiative works on instilling in the Bahraini society, since these values are emanating from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the National Action Charter, and the National Action Program, in addition to the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, which all together represent the national foundations of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
His statement came during the lecture entitled “The System of Values and creation of Institutional Culture”, His Excellency gave to the new wave of participants in the Leadership program carried out by the Institute of Public Administration.
Dr. Bin Shams stated that the system of Values today constitutes of five basic groups, which are; Personal Values; Institutional Values; Public Sector Values; National Values and Religious Values. He added that all these values and in particular, the institutional values play a central role in creating an Institutional culture that nurtures creativity and excellence in Government work.
His Excellency pointed out, that the Institute of Public Administration (BIPA), is not limited to creating and executing programs for capacity building and developing national leadership and assimilating it, it also endeavors to include institutional values in all its plans, programs and initiatives, which all aim to raise the levels of productivity of the cadres, which in return benefits the process of sustainable development and achieving the ambitious Economic vision 2030 for the Kingdom of Bahrain.
His Excellency Dr. Bin Shams continued, saying that the Institutional values are the basis on which Institutions aspirations are laid, and reflect the national aspiration of the citizens in raising the quality and efficiency of Government services and Projects, which raise the Kingdom’s status regionally and internationally.
He concluded that the futuristic vision of the status of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its achievements in all fields emanates from the Institutional Values that everyone strives to achieve, by achieving integration between Government work and the citizens’ aspirations.