Seef District –The Bahrain Institute of Public Administration:
The Director of Registration at the Institute of Public Administration (BIPA) Ms. Aida bin Rajab said that registration was open for the preliminary courses for program of public finances, which was designed in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the Civil Service College of Singapore as it aims to develop and refine the financial expertise to fit all the basic needs of the staff of public sector managers and professionals, as well as all workers in financial sector where government will provide these courses at the hands of trained Singaporean professionals and a number of Bahraini counterparts.
Ms. bin Rajab also said that the program of public finances started on May 23 and will be ended on 5 July and include 5 introductory courses in different periods, two courses for managers and department heads, two of the heads of units and accountants and the last course will go to all workers in the financial sector, in the government.
The “specialized” finance programs can be joined after the completion of short introductory courses targeted in accordance with functional categories.
It is worth mentioning that the first introductory course will be titled Financial Planning for human resources and mechanisms for measuring performance and results, and aims to determine how to link strategic planning, resource planning, drafting plans, budgets, through a model way typical for the development of budgets. The course also seek to find out the benefit of performance measuring in government jobs and describe monitoring and reporting process and the link between performance management and organizational excellence in the government sector. This stage is intended for heads of units and accountants in addition to the legal framework for operations and financial reporting, which aims mainly to identify policies and procedures as contained in the financial legal framework in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The methodological strategy course in the management of financial resources to deals with the concept of econometrics, public finance and how to carry out strategic assessment of government institutions by learning how to use the information of the financial costs in administrative decision making, implementation and determine the effects of pricing decisions of political, social and macroeconomic systems, which targets managers and department heads as well as cycle to build a culture of financial accountability, which seeks to demonstrate the importance of internal controls frameworks, and propose actions that support accountability, transparency and oversight.
For all the staff in the Finance, the course includes basic principles of public finance to determine the types of information, data and performance indicators used to develop management reports and the distinction between the various components of incoming and outgoing financial flows affecting public finances to recognize the seriousness of non-compliance with financial transactions in government institutions and propose action plans to address these issues.