The Executive Director of Education & Development Directorate at the Bahrain Institute of Public Administration, Ishaq Amin Al-Koohiji, has emphasized the importance of the joint cooperation between BIPA and the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). He pointed out that BIPA is currently working on setting a unified academic agenda for the design of GCC-wide training programs. “This is accelerated by the fact that the GCC countries have many common or similar training needs” Al-Koohiji said. “The goal is to ensure that the GCC training process goes along a precise mechanism and methodology to keep abreast of training quality requirements and to absorb latest sciences in public administration”, he added.
Al-Koohiji reveals that BIPA has recently inaugurated training portfolios for GCC General Secretariat staff, including skill polishing of employees to become capable of assessing the training needs required for improving skills, abilities and capabilities of the GCC General Secretariat staff. “Having reviewed the outcome of cooperation between the GCC General Secretariat and BIPA, the GCC General Secretariat has adopted the training portfolios as an ongoing plan”, Al-Koohiji said.
He also said that BIPA will appraise the training portfolios upon selection of trainees, as BIPA has acquired a GCC-wide reputation that enables it to assume a leading role in the design and preparation of training programs and portfolios required by the public sector.
“BIPA has now become a distinct house of expertise and is sought for building capabilities of the GCC General Secretariat in terms of training portfolio designs”, Al-Koohiji pointed out. The training methodology adopted by BIPA now works as an approved reference by other training institutes and organizations. Since its inception, BIPA has gained experience through networking with international partnerships, strategies and cooperation agreements with other regional and global public administration organizations. “This has lead to the best practices applicable in the field of public administration and transformation of such knowledge in a local manner”, Al-Koohiji said. “BIPA designs and prepares internal training programs that are based on well-conceived academic methodologies”, he concluded.