His Excellency Dr. Raed Mohamed Bin Shams, Director-General of Bahrain Institute of Public Administration (BIPA) stated that the master degree in public administration program is an evidence of efficiency of the public sector staff members. “Apart from the fact that participants from various government authorities have successfully passed the standards and admission examinations approved by the French Aix Marseille University (AMU) and by the French National School for Administration (ENA), there were three previous groups who had shown outstanding performance, as reported by the international expert facilitators of the program”, Dr. Bin Shams said. “Such distinction is a tagged characteristic of the public sector staff members, being the human capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain”, he added.
Dr. Bin Shams also said at the inauguration of the 4th group of public administration master degree, that the program was launched in 2016 together with the tripartite strategy of BIPA, to become supportive of the mechanisms for creating government leaders and for providing them with correct decision and policy making methodologies, which, at the end of the day, will be in the interest of the citizen, as the program is designed to response to the training requirements of the public sector staff members, following consideration and comparisons by BIPA at both regional and international levels.
Dr. Bin Shams urged participants in the 4th group to gain maximum experience and best practices during their two-year academic course. He stressed that the immediate on-the-job application will enhance efficiency and management skills required. “The course is flexibly designed to help participants learn and acquire a fertile and scientific environment for ongoing dynamical practices and applications.
The master degree program is a result of collaboration with the French Aix Marseille University (AMU), one of the top 130 universities worldwide, and the National School of Administration in France, from which a large number of leaders and presidents have graduated in public administration, as well as local partners.