The Institute for Public Administration being part of the unified Government work system endeavors for the Advancement of the Bahraini woman through the Equal Opportunities Committees, to adapt its strategies and all its plans and initiatives to make the most of the female human element and utilize it in the most efficient manner.
The Committee’s competence:
1. Follow up on the application of the controls and standards, provide consultations in coordination with the Supreme Council for Women and the Civil Service Bureau
2. Upholding equal opportunities among the Institute’s employees in recruitment, training, scholarships and promotions while guaranteeing the needs of the working women.
3. Integrating the needs of the women in the equal opportunity framework in the policies and budgetary plans in the Government agencies.
4. Develop the competencies of Government sector employees in the field of integration of women’s needs in the equal opportunity framework.
5. Improve the status of the woman and the work environment at the Institute and overcome the obstacles and difficulties faced in the implementation of the principle of equal opportunity and government agencies
6. Support the efforts of the Supreme Council for Women, by activating and disseminating its efforts in the field of equal opportunities and integration of the needs of women in accordance with the programs of the National plan adopted for the advancement of the Bahrain women.
7. Achieve the principle of equal opportunity for all beneficiaries of the services provided by the Institute.
8. Study all the topics referred to it by the Secretary General or any one delegated by the Director General.
Percentage of the trainees of both genders in institute programs
Committee Activities
– Family Day
– Joys of Ramadhan
– Bahraini Women’s Day
– Family Day
– Eid Activities
– Parliamentary elections Awareness Workshop
– Distributions to support Breast Cancer Patients
– Bahraini Women’s Day
– Internal Competitions regarding integration of Women’s need and Equal Opportunities.
– Family day gift distributions
– International Breast Cancer Support Day
– Health Awareness Workshops
– Bahraini Women’s Day