The Director General of the Institute of Public Administration HE Dr. Raed Al-Shams stressed the need for employees evaluation process considering it as a pressing and principal issue for the advancement of the public sector and fulfill training gaps. HE pointed out the three batches that were subjected to evaluation in February, April and May this year included a total of 4 undersecretaries, 7 assistants undersecretaries, 43 managers and 5 heads of sections. In addition to the next two coming batches that will include 14 undersecretaries and assistant undersecretaries and 16 heads of sections.
This came during a monthly meeting of the board members yesterday under the chairmanship of the Head of the Civil Service Bureau Ahmed Al-Zayed, and the presence of Mrs. Wedad Al-Musawi and Mr. Ahmed Al-Faraj and Mr. Adnan Al-Mahmoud.
Bin Shams reviewed during the meeting the initial report for the Assessment Centre, and the steps taken in the early stages. Indicating the purpose behind its creation, as it aims to measure general behavioral capacities for public sector employees in all levels, in coordination with the project outputs of updating performance management system (PMS) in government institutions, which is implemented by Civil Service Bureau with Tower Whitson Advisory company in coordination with the Institute of Public Administration.
Bin Shams indicated that the evaluation process will be carried out in a highly professional manner, and will focus on two basic types which are designed to assess the personal development of an employee by identifying the strengths and weaknesses aspects, and the second type of evaluation comes for appointment or promotion to a managerial position.
Bin Shams explained that, during last year a training program was designed for the development of national cadres to carry out the functions of assessment, also it was planned to launch a range of assessment activities for the current year, represented by personal interviews and simulation activities as well as mechanical digital questionnaires as tools for evaluation.
Bin Shams added that the three batches who have undergone evaluation in February, April and May this year included a total of 4 undersecretaries, 7 assistants undersecretaries, 43 managers and 5 heads of sections. In addition to the next two coming batches that will include 14 undersecretaries and assistant undersecretaries and 16 heads of sections.
The meeting also discussed the most important pointed mentioned in report of the National Audit Court, The Board recommended the necessity to form a special committee consisting of board members to follow-up the recommendations annexed to the report and work to accomplish them.